Sunday, October 12, 2008


I met my old lover
On the street last night
She seemed so glad to see me
I just smiled
And we talked about some old times
And we drank ourselves some beers
Still crazy after all these years
Oh, still crazy after all these years

- Simon and Garfunkel

Yes, that's the song that I've been humming after reading Tushar Raheja's "Anything for you mam"- a hilarious account of an IITian (Delhi) who bunks his Industrial Tour to meet his girlfriend in Chennai. And I still can't stop smiling. Funny how these tales bring back fond memories! Sometimes you feel that these books are written just for you.

Oh, yes it did bring back a lot of memories - the days I used to cycle from Aundh to Garware.... my first crush when I was in class 11.... finding out his house on my cycle... me and my best bud plotting mischief standing near Chaturshrungi.... some of them successful, some not.... and some other more recent memories! WOW!! Reliving the past is such a good thing!!

It was so good that I told my mother the story line.... and all she asked was "So, does he marry her or someone else?" I still have to figure out why she asked this particular question. And then I sort of explain that no one in their right mind would marry in the third year of their engineering (that is how the story goes actually)!

And honestly, if you have done crazy things like this before, you must read this book. And I am sure you crazy Wodehouse fans will love it. Plus Rs 100 isn't really a dent.

And since I'm nostalgic, here is another song you could hum-
I'd Like to teach the world to sing -The New Seekers!

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