I started laughing when i read "Leukocyte migration and inflammation", "Major Histocompatibility Comlex" and 'IMViC'!! My my, it sure does sound alien to me like it does to any other engineer out there! And finding these words after 8 years in my closet!
When my sister visited us last year, I thoroughly enjoyed it when my mother made her remove the unwanted books stored in her cupboard. It was so much fun seeing her take a look each book, clean it and keep it back. But I never thought the tables would turn around. And now that the tables have turned, I am not enjoying it one bit. I removed all the books I had stored in one section of my cupboard and imagine finding books that I used in 10th and 12th standard! Phew, that's a lot! Then there were these notebooks right from my first year of B.Sc. I mean I had everything. Sheets of paper on which i had written notes, graphs, experiments, log books, practical books, photocopies... you name it and I had it. I also found a book with my friends name on it. So I called up my friend and the first question I was asked was "Do you have Whitekar?" And while I was wondering which book Whitekar is and what its spelling is, I was kindly reminded that we used it to study fermentation. And yes, my friend struck gold there. I had it!
In short, I had preserved every antique piece of notes and books as if they meant a lot to me. At the end of the clearing exercise this was the amount of unwanted stuff that I gathered.
As I keep everything in the car so my mom can do away with it and keep a few books to donate to my college I cannot help but wonder about all the clutter in my closet. Have I accumulated clutter in my life too? Like this? I hope not.
"The bare necessities of life will come to you!"
Thankfully for me, my best friend is always around, telling me I need to clear it all - to my mother :-)
cleaning out the old and ringing in the new... its that time of the year for you... i have still kept them..hoping ill need them someday..they are like the last connection with the good old times,when i had no worries.
omg shil this all sounds so familiar!! Dad has been telling me to do the same....everytime i go to India; but i become just so emotional about all the notes. Its all my hard work!! and the time i am home is too less to go hunt for people whom i can hand over my notes to.
love the picture :)
Nice Article!
I am captivated by the impressive blend of nouns and verbs in the phrase - "Have I accumulate clutter in my life too?".
Your publishing name 'Sakshi' makes me wanna fall in love with it every time I read it...
Keep Publishing, Yeh Dil Maange More!
@ adhish - i understand when you say "the last connection with the good old times" but I still did it knowing a lot of it is etched in my head :-) layers and layers of it.
@ chai – if I remember correctly it was hard work writing those notes and even harder paying attention in class. Believe me, I had a lovely time just looking at some of the comments written in the margins of the books (you know what I mean!). But yes, I still did it. And I did it after copying each poem written in one of those last pages into my book. Tough job it was!
@ Denis - Thank you :-) Keep Visiting
The picture there explains it all dear!
but we all do collect such clutter in out lives-some we can revisit and be happy/nostalgic some we want to forget but 'NO'! it still remains there, waiting for a best friend to come and help us face that :)!
@ mavric - thanks for leaving a msg. visit again :-)
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