Saturday, September 6, 2008

Anything for Modaks

… And I mean it! Anything for modaks! And not just any modaks, it’s about those delicious ukadiche modaks. Even if it means asking my Prof “Sir, where can I buy ukadiche modaks in Ahmedabad?” He smiles and very sweetly says “For that you’ll have to come to my house.” Yippeeeeee….. That is exactly what I wanted! Ganpati Bappa Morya! Mangal Murti Morya! Being shameless has its own advantages eh?

It’s about the mathematical formula A=B, B=C therefore A=C. I love modaks. Bappa loves modaks. So I love Bappa. Huh? I don’t know why I just wrote this line. Whatever…

If there's a movie you should watch its Mumbai Meri Jaan. Unlike the many cliché-ridden movies of Mumbai blasts, this one is different. It’s about the life after blasts. How people are traumatized and how life is never the same. But that’s not why I ask you to see the movie. You should see it for the it ends. They leave the movie on a positive note, in spite of a gibe on the media. If anything, Kay Kay Menon and Irfan Khan never cease to amaze you. The scene where Irfan Khan tries to rid himself of the stink of richness with mud totally touches you. But I repeat, you got to see the movie for the way it ends.

Coming back to Bappa. I was at home when sir said the Aarti. The Khirapat was simply awesome. That apart I had this very awesome Maharashtrian lunch – batatyachi bhaji, koshimbir (jyachyat danacha koot hota!), and varan bhat. Ummm…. I am sure a lot of you are very jealous. That is partly why I am giving the details and the specifics. But there are a few side effects – like fever! Alas, my happiness is marred.

Anyways, for another few days….

Ganpati Bappa Morya! Mangal Murti Morya!

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