Thursday, September 11, 2008

Modern Ramayan 1

I was watching this on youtube, and I sat wondering what ramayan would be like if it was written in 2008.....

My version would be something like this:

Ram and Sita were introduced to each other by their mom's. Ram had studied in the IIT when he was in India. He went on to study Financial Engineering in the US, lets say Cornell. Sita had studied in Amchi Pune (that is becasuse I am familiar with Pune). When they met, Ram was working with Meryl Lynch and Sita was working as a researcher in the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). They began interacting the modern way - e-mails! She waited for 2 weeks from him to mail the first time. And in the interim, everyday his mother used to tell her mother that he is busy - it was his month end (he is in the financial sector remember!). Sita tried to glean as much as she could when the two mothers were frantically mailing each other. Aparantly, he is a devotee of Lord Krishna, he fasts once a month and expects his wife to do so. She liked him the moment she saw his photograph - 'I think he likes the colour black. The black leather jacket looks good on him.' It was the same thing on the other side. Much later he told her, 'I liked your snap in the saree especially with the gajara. Nice traditional look. I like that'.

And finally he did mail her. It was a formal e-mail, telling her that he had read all the e-mails that their mothers wrote to each other and yet he wanted to know her in her own words. Sita wrote back in a way that was true to her character - an informal, friendly e-mail. She said she thought he was on his way to the Himalayas, the amount he prays! And then she went on telling that her friends call her a bundle of energy. She went on to tell him how she wanted to be an architect but her mother put her foot down for her own reasons. He was impressed with what she had written so candidly.

And then there were no e-mails. Now , this troubled the girls mother....after all she had taken the bane of getting her daughter married upon her own shoulders. She had a talk with Sita. And Sita sits down to draft an e-mail to Ram. She writes:

"Hey Ram

How you doing? I was just talking to my mom and she was asking me why we haven't commnicated... Oh don't worry, I told her that since you have the IIT and Cornell attitute, which you will keep throwing and since I will keep throwing my IISc attitute... this thing will take us over a year to decide something!! She freaked out...b ut never mind that. "

She presses the button "Save"

But something is wrong.... She has 'sent' the mail instead of saving!!

Oops.... Dont you avoid public bloopers in arranged marriages???

Now Sita is in a mess...."If mom kows this.... I'm gonna be in a soup" she thought.

She now wrote another mail apologising for the mistake and explained that it was meant to be saved and sent the next time he wrote to her.

The next day she receives an e-mail from him...


I am sorry I was so formal with you the first time around. If anything, I had a good laugh sitting in my office the first thing in the morning. And hey, please don't take the IIT and Cornell against me! You dont have to send these mega mails to me every time. You can keep it short and sweet.



Ah, now this is what I call ice-breaking mails.....

And this is how it all began with Ram and Sita in Modern Ramayan 1.


Anonymous said...

i'm willing to bet some aspects of this are autobiographical.

Shilpa Ramesh Maiya said...

Not really... its a collection of bits and pieces from a few friends around me who are going through this phase.

Unknown said...

too good man!!!!! i bet modern ramayan will be dis way...esp seeing d attitude dese days modern rams!!!!think nop end of demselves

Shilpa Ramesh Maiya said...

ha ha ha ha....
sontya looks like you are really pissed with someone out in mumbai.... he he he... woman let time be the best judge.
Moreover I still have to complete my story...